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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Core Competence Considerations

Based on the class discussion, I was off with my core competence. It isn't for Gardasil, but rather its parent, Merck & Co., Inc., whose slogan is "be well" but that isn't the core competence.

So, for core competence, brainstorms:
R&D, patent laws (what really makes Gardasil different than others, it protects it allowing it to be the only hpv vaccine in the US).

If I think about it in terms of "skill at 'benefit'"
Then: skill @ petent developemnet
skill @ R&D, narrowing down which drugs will be marketable, focusing R&D on one particular segment

The existing patents are the strategic asset.

Christie mentioned that on some days she doubts that phrama companies have any core competency at all, and I do think that they all do about the same thing, but what saves them in patents, and that helps to drive competition.

So for now, the core competency can be: skill at PATENT DEVELOPMENT (R&D)

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