One student's blog about the experiences of creating a hypothetical, but hopefully awesome, social marketing campaign

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Friday, April 23, 2010

New Changes

Things that I have to keep in mind now: 9-26 males is a HUGE demographic range, and something that I knew, however a better way of stating it that seems less foreboding is "HPV vaccination eligible males" or even "males at risk for HPV" etc. So that is definitely a change I will make for my marketing plan.

Another issue is targeting both males and their parents who serve as gatekeepers, or better put, "channels" similarly to doctors, thus at the targeting stage I will have a concurrent campaign to parents, using similar media (print, PR, news, tv ads, internet ads, the website) but use it with the same benefits message, but a different package (ie parents in the commercial caring that their kids don't get warts, with the same benefit of "no warts" for males and their parents), and then have that be on shows that target parents, etc. along with channels that target young men.

And the Superbowl. Hey, I'm working for big Pharma here, it can happen. Having an ad for the for Garasil hasn't happened yet, but that's because so far it's only been marketed to women, but there is no reason it can't happen, and it should in the targeting to men since it's the m superbowl ost men watching at once in the US, could create the necessary word-of-mouth & PR campaign, and jump-start the entire campaign. I think it could be a great grand enterance into the game.

Also, any ideas (readers?) for a great name for a website that will serve like does? And by this I mean, I want a separte informational website just for the male campaign so that hits to the website can be a measurable goal. So far, all I have is, which is pretty boring, though would be high on the list in a search engine since the topic is in the title, and that too has some merit.

Also, in terms of the campaign, which will have the benefit of "no warts" and use the value of sexual attractiveness for males, I was thinking of a hybrid to Orbits gum commercials and Axe. So take a yonder, and think about what a hybrid might look like.

It feels so wrong, but oh, it's so effective. It's on.

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