One student's blog about the experiences of creating a hypothetical, but hopefully awesome, social marketing campaign

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Creating Demand

I think it can be done.

Last week I was doing an event for Sexperteam, a peer education group I am apart of that operates under the guidance of UHS. (Check out the twitter & Facebook Fan Page).

I am a peer educator and was at the Union doing a barrier methods demonstration for mostly freshmen and sophomore students.

At the end we always get questions, and one young man came up to me and asked about how hpv is spread, if there is a test, etc. I think the most common questions we get are about the things that people don't recognize (female condoms and dental dams) and want demonstrations of, and then hpv.

And I think that men do care, it's just hard to ask, or know where to ask. I'm glad they do ask.

In any case, I showed another sex-educator the new cervical cancer ads that aren't "one less" and she was also appalled, because these are the type of ads that scare people into inaction.

I want to create something different.

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