One student's blog about the experiences of creating a hypothetical, but hopefully awesome, social marketing campaign
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Friday, April 23, 2010
New Changes
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Metrics & more on Communications

Target Audience
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Estimating Customer Value
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Change of Goals/Direction
Monday, April 12, 2010
- Condoms: Help prevent HPV, but not 100%, especially since HPV is spread by skin to skin contact, and condoms do not cover all skin, but do reduce risk.
- Abstinence: works, but is unrealistic.
- Reduction of partners: work, but again, is unrealistic. HPV goes symptomless for a lot of people, completely in men, and occasionally leading to abnormal paps in women. There is no test for men, and they would only even know if they had warts, and by then it's too late.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
New Ads
Good news: does have info about boys now (yay!).
"What is GARDASIL? GARDASIL is the only HPV vaccine that helps protect against 4 types of HPV. In girls and young women ages 9 to 26, GARDASIL helps protect against 2 types of HPV that cause about 75% of cervical cancer cases, and 2 more types that cause 90% of genital warts cases. In boys and young men ages 9 to 26, GARDASIL helps protect against 90% of genital warts cases.
GARDASIL also helps protect girls and young women ages 9 to 26 against 70% of vaginal cancer cases and up to 50% of vulvar cancer cases."
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
5 box
Monday, April 5, 2010
4Bs Excersize
What I want for the hpv vaccine for men is Acquisition, Stimulate Demand. I think that's what makes the most sense for me.
Category: Vaccination, specifically hpv vaccination
Customer Definition: I still have to decide between boys aged 9-26 who already want to be vaccinated, or their parents who are making that decision who support vaccination, since the customer definition is who we want them to be, not who they are pre-our efforts. Even so, I think I will have to narrow this down.
Other Competitors: People getting false/faulty information about the vaccine
Bodies: I'll need a number here, but this will be any boy aged 9-26 who is not yet vaccinated, or parents of this age group of boys with the potential to vaccinate their kids
Before: No need to vaccinate
% Converted: Hopefully 80-90% (I need to define my goal more concretely) of whatever the first cohort of girls in 5 years to get vaccinated was
After: Want hpv vaccine (for themselves if they're a boy, or for their child if they are parents)
Before: Not vaccinated
Purchases/year Before: None, no hpv vaccine
% Converted: Hopefully 80% of what the number of girls was
Purchases/year After: 1-3 shots of the hpv vaccine, with my measurable goal of at least getting the initial shot
After: Vaccinated with Gardasil
Key Metric: # of customers, so boys getting the 1st shot of Gardasil in the 5 years (? or just the length of the campaign and directly after?) of study
Bucks: Well, however much the vaccine costs, which varies, but around $600 per person if they get all 3 shots, but $200 per person, as an estimate, for the first shot
When I think about acquisition and steal share, that is when it gets tricky for a vaccine where Gardasil is the only hpv vaccine in the US, so who is it stealing shares from? There is no direct competitor, but time would be an option as something that it goes against, the convenience of not going to get the vaccine. Even so, I think stimulating demand is the way to go for a new product out for a certain cohort of people.
A retention campaign would be if I wanted people to go get the 2nd and 3rd shots in the series once they already started getting the vaccination, but for now, I just want them to start, so I'll focus on acquisition.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Core Competence Considerations
Monday, March 29, 2010
Updates to my proposal
Business Objective:
Fundamental Entity: Gardasil, the hpv vaccine, and some brand to be determined just for a campaign targeted to boys (or parents, I need to decide)
Core Competence: Having the only hpv vaccine available in the US, branding
Goal & Time Frame: To have comparable vaccination rates in boys (once it becomes available) as seen in girls, so say for a 5 year period to have 80% of what it was for women. I am choosing vaccination rates instead of rates of hpv incidence because there is no test for hpv detection in men, other than for warts, so it would not be possible to know if boys were carriers of the other two types of hpv that cause cervical cancer that the vaccine protects against
Strategic Quadrant:
Category Definition: Health, vaccination
Customer Definition: Here I'm not totally sure. It will be boys aged 9-26, but I wonder if their parents are the customers until they reach 18?
Marketing Objective: Have comparable rates (80%) of vaccination uptake in boys as was shown in girls of Gardasil (How is the marketing objective different than my goal?)
Source of volume: United States public, boys aged 9-26, their parents if that is who moderates vaccinations, doctors?
Bodies: boys aged 9-26 directly, indirectly parents & doctors
Beliefs: Understanding the benefits of vaccination, knowing what the vaccine protects against (future cervical cancer, 90% of the type that cause genital warts), attitude change to want the vaccination
Behaviors: getting vaccinated, and measuring for both initial shot & how whether or not they get all three (if it's possible to compare this to girls, if not then just initial shot)
Benefits: Lower overall instances of genital warts and cervical cancer, which will not be measured throughout the campaign, but will become evident in years to come from CDC/national data
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Creating Demand
Monday, March 22, 2010
I doubt this.
My Proposal
-find out merke
-core competency of being the only competitor in the US, research the other global vaccine
-research what the age range for men will be (same as women, 9-26?)
-only advantageous directly for warts in men, so market for greater good since they make sure not to say warts in the female campaign
-deconstruct female campaign & who it targets & how
-relate to men & if it will target their parents or them, and what angle to take: protecting children? protecting our future?
-the brand was "one less," create a new brand for men, or expand on the woman's campaign?
There is certainly a lot to think about now, assuming that it gets approved. It is in the gray I think, because getting boys/men vaccinated would certainly be for the public good from a public health perspective, by decreasing the incidence of hpv. Specifically, it would still contribute to a lower incidence of cervical cancer, which might be an angle I could use to target the parents of young boys, and wanting to protect the future of all children, but also it is a good harm reduction technique in terms of contracting other STIs. Having other STIs puts persons at higher risk of getting HIV, so reducing incidence of hpv would be beneficial in many ways.
Organizational Objective:
First I have to decide if I am going to be marketing for Gardasil and thus Merck & Co., Inc. or if I want to be a health department. Gardasil already does the "one less" campaign, which is already branded and known, so it might be better to stick with it. It might make for some brand confusion though, since "one less" really refers to one less woman with cervical cancer, and I wonder if that should still be the slogan for men.
If I am Merck, I have R&D, and money, and incentive to get people vaccinated for profits, but luckily it is also a public good. I need to do more research about Merck to establish what their fundamental entity is, though for Gardasil it is being the only hpv vaccine available in the US, and is already branded under "one less."
Core Competence: being the only provider of the hpv vaccine in the US, so skill at resource distribution, awareness building with "one less"
Strategic Asset: the hpv vaccine, patent
Benefit: reduction in incidence of cervical cancer, genital warts, more generally 4 strains of hpv
I have to decide if the campaign will be promotion or prevention focused, but it is the promotion of a vaccine that is a part of prevention. I think promotion. It is a call to action to get vaccinated, specifically for boys/young men to get the hpv vaccine.
Goal: behavior change, get vaccinated, but also awareness of when it becomes available to men & what it does so that it is a call to action
Time frame: more short than long, so there can be measurable goals, like in the 1st 5 years of availability to men to have at least some comparable portion of new vaccinations with the female vaccine for comparison, but I still need more clearly defined measures of success.
Social Marketing 4Bs:
Bodies: boys ages 9-26 (?), their parents/doctors?
Beliefs: for them to know it is available to men, attitude change to want to be vaccinated
Behaviors: getting vaccinated (at least the initial of three shots)
Benefits: Lower incidence of hpv (genital warts & cervical cancer), but this will have to me measured much later in life, so the measurable might just be # of new persons vaccinated
And that's where I'm at.
HPV Vaccine for Men?
- There is currently no test for hpv in men, and it is not regularly screened for as a component of STI testing
- Gardasil protects against two types of hpv that cause a majority of genital warts, and two types that cause a majority of cervical cancer
- It would still help protect men from genital warts, and though the type of hpv that causes cervical cancer in women goes symptomless in men, it will help protect their partners
one less: campaigns I love
Friday, March 19, 2010
truth: campaigns I love
- It worked, there is data, it worked.
- It's tongue in cheek.
- It appeals to a teen sense of rebellion against "the man" with "the man" being Big Tobacco full of deception and big big lies, only out for a profit. (As opposed to being rebellious by smoking.)
- The campaign segmented the population really targeting 12-17, to prevent new uptake of smoking and create negative attitudes towards big tobacco.
- Within this group they targeted to those that were open to smoking as opposed to smoking, and thus appealed to sensation seeking youth, who get bored easily as see rebelling against authority as cool (where they positioned as Big Tobacco as the authority figure as opposed to parents & teachers telling them to not smoke, as Big Tobacco did in there own anti-smoking campaigns for elementary age children that actually increased tobacco uptake and created more positive attitudes towards big tobacco).
- This campaign lets teens own their own decision, from a teen voice.
- Finally a health campaign used BRANDING, to make itself memorable and effective.
- Again, it worked!
Monday, March 15, 2010
List of Possibilities
Current thoughts:
-Farmer's Market Promotion (specifically Ann Arbor, but also maybe the Detroit Eastern Market)
-DECC, Detroit Eastside Community Collaborative
-Jewish Family Services
-Ann Arbor Film Festival
-Michigan Theatre
-Washington DC's new promotion/giveaway of female condoms (notes: how is it being evaluated, and where are they being handed out? What are the short & long term goals? Will success be measured through perception of female condoms? Knowledge of how to use them? Changes in HIV infection rate? People taking them to begin with?)
-Thousand Kites
-Campaign for Justice
-PCAP, Prisoner Creative Arts Project (whose show is next weekend, so then what would I promote?)
-Planned Parenthood
-Yojoa International Medical Center, YIMC
-Seventh Generation Products (don't think it's actually a non-profit, not sure)
-Alternatives for Girls (in Detroit)
So that's a start, and things to think about. Also, UHS, which does not count as a non-profit, but could be helped in terms of health promotions/campaigns